My Story

Hello and welcome to Karen’s Creative Designs! I’m Karen, and I’ve been crafting fabric, wood and other creations from my home in the beautiful region of Normandie, France since 2019.

My Story

My crafting journey began in 2019 when I moved to Normandie, France, and took on the challenge of reupholstering a footstool which was damaged in our move from the UK. This project sparked a passion that evolved into a full-time pursuit, crafting everything from fabric tote bags to unique wooden clocks from my home.

Karen’s Creative Designs represents the joy of transforming everyday materials into functional and stylish items. Each piece, from hand-carved clocks to custom tote bags, is created with a blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern design, meant to add personality and warmth to your space.

I am SIRET registered, number 899 572 390 00016

Reach Us


Saint Quentin 50810

Berigny France

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